• Aggregates and classifies structured and unstructured data from medical records
  • Full Text OCR search and meaning extraction on both structured and unstructured data
  • Chronological view of patient health data, including prescriptions, procedures, and diagnoses using NLP
  • Automated sorting and filtration of medical records
  • Store, analyze and predict health trends like heart disease, kidney care
  • Built-in voice annotation and transcription feature
  • DiCOM Viewer for medical imaging Integrates with multiple data sources for consolidation
  • AI-powered cost and causation analysis
  • Block chain enabled patient credentialing solution WC
  • Billing module for different US states
  • Conversational AI to obtain Patient demographics and medical history during Patient interviewing stage
  • Conversational AI to help Practitioners in Patient information retrieval (history, medication, other records) during Patient encounters
  • Digital practice management module

Artificial Intelligence is a transformative technology for making data-driven decisions based on past performance, trends, and predictive analytics. Automated document sorting and abstraction with SortVault-AI delivers faster results accurately and less expensively than manual processes.

Scanned documents and pdf files are automatically sorted by category, using Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI/Machine Learning software works with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and other smart technologies to decide WHO the document came from, WHAT it says, WHERE it is going next, WHY it is going, and HOW the document will be used now and in the future.

Manual sorting speed is 2k~3k pages per hour, versus seconds for AI.

Irrelevant and duplicate pages are removed.

AI-fueled automated MedLegal document sorting and abstraction




Call Kevin Ross, VP Sales & Marketing, RapidCare Group/Numina MedLegal at (203) 767-5803 Email kevin.ross@rapidcare.ai

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AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Workers Compensation Claims Processing drives automated document sorting and abstraction

It used to be that parts of the processing of a Workers Compensation Claim were 100% manual. That is, a human got boxes of paper files or electronic pdfs (or other formats) related to a disability claim and was tasked with deciding which ones went into which stacks or folders. This sorting operation could take hours – or days – and had to be completed before the doctor even started to review the claim.

In today’s world, scanned documents and pdf files are automatically sorted by category, using Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI/Machine Learning software works with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and other smart technologies to decide WHO the document came from, WHAT it says, WHERE it is going next, WHY it is going, and HOW the document will be used now and in the future.

For the same job, manual sorting speed is 2k~3k pages per hour, versus seconds for AI. And, unlike the manual sorting, AI is also comparing what it understands to everything in the database. Pretty cool!

AI doesn’t make the hard decisions around recommended outcomes. Those require a human (for now). What AI does do is answer the questions that inform those decisions.

Want to know if the person being treated has been treated previously? AI
Want to know if this is a duplicate document?AI
Want to get an idea of all of the previous medical conditions experienced by this person? Yep. AI!

AI delivers faster results accurately and less expensively, and handles many tasks in parallel. Beyond intelligent sorting, AI is being deployed in the Workers Comp area to transform a wide variety of disparate data into actionable information, giving organizations of all sizes a competitive edge.

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